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15 February, 12:07
The “Teacher of the Year” competition winners (municipal stage) have been named in Perm
Photo by Vitaliy Cocksharov

This has been the 34th competition dedicated to the Year of Teachers and Mentors, as well as to the 300th anniversary of Perm. The best teachers will represent Perm  education at the regional stage of the competition.

The municipal stage of “The Teacher of the Year” competition  completed  in Perm. 254 teachers took part in the qualifying stage of the competition. The traditional nominations comprised:  “Teacher” -   65 contestants,  “Pedagogical Debut” - 27 young teachers with up to 3 years teaching  experience ,  “Teacher of pre-school educational institution” - 61 contestants. As Mayor of Perm Aleksey Demkin noted,   2023  competition introduced two  new  nominations – “Mentor” and “Class Leader”, attracting over  90 participants. 

–Kindergarten and school are not  simply  the place for providing educational services. They are  meant to lay the moral guidelines. The contest participants  not only had to hold open lessons, but also had  their  erudition and   personal qualities tested,” emphasized Aleksey Demkin.

At the closing ceremony of the competition, Deputy Head of Perm Administration  Aleksey Gribanov noted that  the popularity of  “The Teacher of the Year» competition  is constantly growing.  This demonstrates the interest of Perm teachers to  continuous development of their professional skills.

As is known, at the full-time stage, the participants had to pass four rounds -  conduct a lesson, a master class and other educational activities, as well as extra-competitive tests designed to reveal the pedagogical skills of the contestants, their erudition and personal qualities. For the first time, in addition to competitive tests, all participants took part in the non-compete events: foresight-game “Perm-300”, blitz-dialog “Heart-to-heart conversation”, flashmob in social networks (#iamoedelo). The best teachers of the city in each of the five nominations were determined by the results of the full-time stage- they will represent   Perm education at the “Teacher of the year” regional stage.  So the  winners are:  the absolute winner in the nomination “Teacher” -  Alexander Vavylin, teacher of English,  Lyceum No 2;  nomination “Teacher of pre-school educational institution” - Ksenya Kiryakova ,   psychologist and teacher, kindergarten No 134;  in nomination “Pedagogical Debut”  -  Verbitskaya, teacher of the Russian language and literature,  “SinTez” Technological School.  Elena Savinskaya, teacher of Biology and Chemistry, School No 22, won in the new nomination of “Class Leader”. The best mentors   as recognized by the  jury  were  the teachers of the “Signal” children’s creativity center Veronika Sleptsova and Andrey Kopyltsov.

– Winning for me is, primarily, a motivation to continue my work. Preparation for the competition really took a lot of time. I have always been  trying to find some new teaching techniques that might interest the kids. Right now, my goal is to try my hand at the regionals. Thanks to the municipal competition I understand that I still need to put  more effort  in preparing so that to be  more confident to  go to the next stage,“ shared Alexander Vavylin,  the absolute winner in the nomination “Teacher”.  

